YA- Back to School Bash

REACH Dallas Office 7929 Brookriver Dr, Dallas, TX, United States

Join us in our Dallas Office for games. social group, and fun! Rsvp to attend!

Adult Independent Living Skills

REACH Plano 720 E Park Blvd. Suite 104, Plano, TX, United States

Plano Police Department will be coming in to talk about Public Safety

YA- Disability Voting Rights

REACH Dallas Office 7929 Brookriver Dr, Dallas, TX, United States

Come learn about your voting rights and how to get registered to vote for this year's election. Rsvp for more information about the event.

REV UP Texas Voters Event

REACH Dallas Office 7929 Brookriver Dr, Dallas, TX, United States

Come learn about Disability Voting Rights and Celebrate REV Up Disability Voting Rights Week! Or join via Zoom if you can not attend in person! https://bit.ly/Sep10PTDVZoom

YA- Budgeting 101

REACH Dallas Office 7929 Brookriver Dr, Dallas, TX, United States

The start of a money management series for Young Adults. Join the conversation and learn the best tips and tricks for budgeting! RSVP to attend the class.