Let Gov. Abbott know how the Texas led lawsuit WILL HARM TEXANS WITH DISABILITIES AND SENIOR TEXANS

From Bob Kafka at ADAPT Texas.


In addition to this excellent analysis CPPP has done on what it means if the ACA goes away, there is an optional HCBS program in Texas that will be eliminated:

Community First Choice Option (CFC) which provides HCBS to seniors and people with disabilities and Texas gets a 6% enhanced Medicaid match will go away;

One further point that is extremely important:

Every disabled person in Texas and the United States has a PRE EXISTING CONDITION!!!

It is not usually framed that way however:

Pre existing conditions IS A DISABILITY ISSUE!!!!

Every disabled person, family member and advocates should let Gov Abbott know how the Texas led lawsuit WILL HARM DISABLED AND SENIOR TEXANS.

E-mail Gov Abbott's health and human person

Heather Fleming and let her know how this lawsuit will harm people with disabilities and our families.  STOP THE LAWSUIT
