Supreme Court National Call-In Day Friday, Sept 14, 2018

Supreme Court National Call-In Day Friday, Sept 14, 2018

Call Your Senators to Vote No on Kavanaugh

Based on Judge Kavanaugh’s record on issues important to people with disabilities, disability groups strongly oppose his confirmation.

Last week's confirmation hearing did nothing to ease concerns about Judge Kavanaugh being appointed to the Supreme Court. The disability community made history on Friday when Liz Weintraub became the first person with an intellectual disability to testify at a Supreme Court confirmation hearing.  As a policy expert and leader in the disability community, Liz testified about what people with disabilities stand to lose if Kavanaugh is confirmed to the Supreme Court, including the right to self-determination and to make one’s own decisions.  Please listen to her powerful words.  Liz sounded the alarm — now it’s OUR job to make the Senate listen to what our community has to say.  

Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation is a real threat to hard-won rights and protections for people with disabilities. His record shows that Judge Kavanaugh would place at risk access to health care, civil rights protections, opportunities for people with disabilities to make choices about their own lives, and the ability of executive branch agencies to enforce laws protecting people with disabilities. The Senate will soon vote on Kavanaugh's nomination so we need to make our voices heard now!  

Let’s make all of our voices heard together on the National Call-in Day on Friday, Sept 14, 2018. 

What You Can Do

  • Educate your Senators about Kavanaugh’s disability record and raise concerns. Ask them to VOTE NO on his confirmation if you can.
  • Call your Senators through the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.      
  • Write to your Senators.  You can use this link to ask to oppose (Access Living) and this link to educate and raise concerns (AUCD).
  • Visit your Senators in their DC or home offices. 

Background materials on Kavanaugh and disability issues 
For decades, the disability community has fought for the right for people with disabilities to live in and participate the community, access healthcare services that help them do so, and make decisions about their own lives. Now, the Senate is rushing to put Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court, threatening to turn back the clock on the rights we fought so hard for. We can’t go back. 

Call your Members of Congress:

  1. Call the Capitol Switchboard at: (202) 224-3121 (voice) or (202) 224-3091(tty) and ask to be connected to your Senators.
  2. Repeat. You can use this easy tool to find your members of Congress.

If you live in Maine, Alaska, Indiana, Alabama, North Dakota, or West Virginia, it is particularly important to contact your Senators. If you know anyone in these states, reach out to them and ask them to contact their Senators. 

Call-in Script:

My name is [your full name] . I’m a constituent of Senator [Name], and I live in [your town]. I’m calling to ask the Senator to vote NOT to confirm Judge Kavanaugh. Judge Kavanaugh would undermine the Affordable Care Act, and he is a danger to the rights of people with disabilities. In 2007, he ruled that people with intellectual disabilities don’t have a right to a say in our health care. People with disabilities like  [me/my family member/ my friends]  have a right to health care, and we have a right to make our own choices about what happens to our bodies. Please keep Brett Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court.

Thank you for taking my call!

[IF LEAVING A VOICEMAIL: please leave your full street address and zip code to ensure your call is tallied]




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