Going to College

New Website for Students with Disabilities Interested in College – http://www.going-to-college.org

This new website contains information about living college life with adisability. It is designed for high school students. The site provides video clips, activities, and resources that can help them get a headstart in planning for college. Video interviews with college students with disabilities offer a way to hear first hand from students with disabilities who have been successful. Modules include activities thatwill help students explore more about themselves, learn what to expect from college, and equip them with important considerations and tasks to complete when planning for college.


Are you a teenager with a disability with Dreams and Goals when you graduate?

REACH of Fort Worth and DARS-Division for Rehabilitation Services are networking with local high schools in various districts to transition youth with a disability from adolescence to adult roles:

Cartoon students standing next to a college

  • Resume Building
  • Money Management
  • Dress for Success
  • Dorm/Apartment Living
  • Financial Aid for college/trade schools
  • Personal Hygiene
  • MITS Ambassador Training
  • Guest Speakers
  • Field Trips

If you need more detailed information about this program, please contact

Miaka Palmer at (817) 870-9082 or  (817) 654-9614 Metro.

Helping teens with disabilities REACH independence