Why do you need to get vaccinated?
What are the possible side effects from the vaccinations?
Where do you go to get vaccinated or tested?
What should you do if you test positive for COVID-19?
Answers to these questions and other important information is available in American Sign Language (ASL), Voice and Braille accessible text at your Accessible Community Portal!
Go to and click on the link associated with your county: DALLAS COUNTY – HARRIS COUNTY – TARRANT COUNTY – BEXAR COUNTY – TRAVIS COUNTY
No Barriers Communications (NoBaComm) is a nonprofit organization working with health departments and community-based organizations in your area to provide you with accessible information about COVID-19 vaccines and the importance of getting vaccinated. NoBaComm has created an Accessible Community Portal to ensure this information is accessible to people who are Deaf, Blind, Hard of Hearing and persons who are Deaf-blind.