EVV Mobile Application Policy Now Available
HHSC EVV Operations has published the EVV mobile application policy. The EVV mobile application policy establishes clock in and clock out requirements, user requirements, and mobile device specifications.
On April 1, 2019, the EVV mobile application became a standard option for clocking in and clocking out of the EVV vendor systems for service providers and their attendants.
The benefits of using the EVV mobile application include:
• Increased auto-verification of visits.
• Reduction of visit maintenance.
• Fast and easy clock in and clock out by the attendant.
• Limited data entry required by the attendant.
• Can be used in the community and does not require a manual visit entry.
• Only records the location when the attendant clocks in and clocks out and cannot track the attendant before, during, and after the visit.
• Free and quick installation of the mobile application.
• Application requires minimal data usage (estimated at less than two megabytes per month).
• Does not use minutes from the attendant’s mobile phone plan.
• No protected health information is stored on the application.
Please contact DataLogic at info@vestaevv.com to receive training and to begin using the EVV mobile application.
For questions regarding this alert, please contact HHSC EVV Operations.